- 08/10
- 2020
《3D ISP核心技术算法》系列文章是上海数迹智能科技有限公司结合自身多年来在3D ISP技术方向上的积累,推出的系列型科普文章。系列文章将对影响3D成像质量的主要问题逐一进行讲解,深入浅出的介绍问题出现的原理机制和解决方法,旨在促进3D视觉从成像到感知的应用工程实践,真正实现慧视界、智未来。
方法[5]可以实现50%的像素误差在5cm以下,而原始误差75%都在9cm以上。方法[9]在自己的数据集上对比了LF2(libfreenect2),DeepToF[5]、Phasor Imaging[11]和MRM[9]四种方法。结果表明DeepToF精度较差,而[9]和[11]的结果接近。
多径现象是ToF技术普及面临的一大挑战,多径消除也是3D ToF ISP中的一个重要技术点。ToF技术要想实现在任意场景下获取可靠和准确的深度数据,消除多径现象是一个关键。目前的多径消除方法还有很大的改进空间,期待感兴趣的同学们和我们一起交流,共同致力于推动ToF的发展。
[1] Dorrington A A,Godbaz J P ,Cree M J , et al. Separating true range me-asurements from multipath and scatering interfernce in commer-cial range cameras[j]. Proceedings of Spie the International Society for OpticalEngneering,20-11,7864.
[2] Jonathan Klein. Correction of Multipath-Effects in Time-of-Flight Range Data[D]. Uni-ersity of Siegen, 2014.
[3] Kirmani A , Benedetti A , Chou P A . SPU-MIC: Simultaneous phaseunwrapping and mul-tipath interference cancellation in time-of-fli-ght camerasusing spectral methods[C]// 2013 IEEE International Conference on Multimed-iaand Expo (ICME). IEEE, 2013.
[4] Freedman D , Krupka E , Smolin Y , et al. SRA: Fast Removal ofGeneral Multipath for ToF Sensors[J]. Lecture Notes in Computer Scien-ce, 2014,8689:234-249.
[5] Marco J , Hernandez Q , Muñoz, Adolfo, etal. DeepToF:Off-the-Shelf Real-Time Correc-tion of Multipath Interference in Time-of-Flight Imaging[J]. Acm Transactions on Graphics, 20-18, 36(6):1-12.
[6] Rhemann C , Izadi S , Kang R S B , et al. A light transportmodel for mitigating multipath interference in Time-of-flight sensors[J]. 2015.
[7] S. K. Nayar, G. Krishnan, M. D. Grossberg, and R. Raskar. Fastseparation of direct and gl-obal components of a scene using high frequ-ency illumination. In ACM TOG, volume 25, pa-ges 935–944. ACM, 2006
[8] Kadambi A, Whyte R, Bhandari A, etal. Coded time of flightcameras: sparse decon-volution to address multipath interference and recovertime profiles[C]. International Confer-ence on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques, 2013, 32(6).
[9] Guo Q,Guo Q, Frosio I, et al. Tackling 3D ToF Artifacts ThroughLearning and the FLAT Dataset[C]. European Conference on Computer Vision, 2018:381-396.
[10] Godbaz J P, Cree M J, Dorrington A A, et al. Closed-forminverses for the mixed pixel/ m-ultipath interference problem in AMCW lidar-[J].Proceedings of SPIE, 2012.
[11]Gupta M, Nayar S K, Hullin M B, et al. Phasor Imaging: AGeneralization of Correla-tion-Based Time-of-Flight Imaging[J]. ACM Transaction-son Graphics, 2015, 34(5).
[12] Fuchs S. Multipath Interference Comp-ensation in Time-of-FlightCamera Images[C]. International Conference on Pattern Recog-nition, 2010:3583-3586.
[13] Bhandari A, Feigin M, Izadi S, et al. Re-solving multipathinterference in Kinect: An in-verse problem approach[C]. IEEE Sensors, 20-14:614-617.
[14] Son K, Liu M, Taguchi Y, et al. Learning to Remove Multipath Distortionsin Time-of-Fl-ight Range Images for a Robotic Arm Setup-[J]. ar-Xiv: ComputerVision and Pattern Recogni-tion, 2016.
[15] Xuan V N, Hartmann K, Weihs W, et al. Multi-targetsuper-resolution using compres-sive sensing arguments for multipath interfer-encerecovery[C]. International Workshop on Compressed Sensing Theory and itsApplica-tions to Radar, Sonar and Remote Sensing, 2016: 148-152.
[16] Liu J, Liu Y, Hullin M B, et al. Fourier Analysis on TransientImaging with a Multifre-quency Time-of-Flight Camera[C]. computer vision andpattern recognition, 2014: 3230-3237.
[17] Mutny M, Nair R, Gottfried J, et al. Lear-ning the Correctionfor Multi-Path Deviations in Time-of-Flight Cameras[J]. arXiv: Computer Visionand Pattern Recognition, 2015.
[18] Agresti G, Zanuttigh P. Combination of Spatially-Modulated ToFand Structured Light for MPI-Free Depth Estimation[C]. European Conference onComputer Vision, 2018: 355-371.
[19] Agresti G, Zanuttigh P. Deep Learning for Multi-path ErrorRemoval in ToF Sensors[C]. European Conference on Computer Vision, 20-18:410-426.
[20] Jiang B, Jin X, Peng Y, et al. Design of mu-ltipath errorcorrection algorithm of coarse and fine sparse decomposition based oncom-press-ed sensing in time-of-flight cameras[J]. The Imaging Science Journal,2019, 67(8): 464-474.
[21] Bhandari A , Kadambi A , Whyte R , et al. Resolving multipathinterference in time-of-flight imaging via modulation frequency dive-rsity andsparse regularization[J]. Optics Lette-rs, 2014, 39(6):1705-8.
[22] Dorrington A A , Godbaz J P , Cree M J , et al. Separating truerange measurements from multi-path and scattering interference in com-mercial range cameras[J]. Proceedings of Spie the International Society for OpticalEnginee-ring, 2011, 7864.
[23] Whyte R, Streeter L, Cree M J, et al. Re-solving multiplepropagation paths in time of flight range cameras using direct and globa-lseparation methods[J]. Optical Engineering, 2015, 54(11): 113109-113109.
[24] Karel W, Ghuffar S, Pfeifer N, et al. Mod-elling andCompensating Internal Light Scatter-ing in Time of Flight Range Cameras[J]. Photo-
grammetric Record, 2012, 27(138): 155-174.
[25] https://baike.baidu.com/item/%E5%A4%9A%E5%BE%84/3975124?fr=aladdin
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