FastCamera300是一款高速的三百万像素相机,其配备有CMOS传感器、全局电子快门、高速可扩展的集成FPGA、图像处理器及内存子系统,拥有独立的高速图像处理和图像扩展功能。可选项包括优质背部薄外壳、红外光谱范围、加固型、CameraLink接口输出。当相机与图像采集卡或coprocessor board集成时,相机系统性能可根据用户的具体需求通过增加处理器和内存进行扩展。
2048 X 1536 分辨率(3.146 Mpixel)
5.0 u,m(H) X 5.0 u,m(V) per pixel
10.24 mm (H) x 7.68 mm (V) 4:3 sensor active area
HDTV 2/3" ROI optical format (11.00mm)
9.6 mm (h) x 5.4 mm (v) 16:9 sensor active area
1 fps to 180 fps at 2048x1536 (4 Ports)
1,2 or 4 port operation (one port 1/4 speed)
Up to 648 Mega pixels/sec. (4 ports)
66 to 492 mV/electron selectable
>120 dB w/High Dynamic Range (HDR) extension
< 6 electrons rms noise rolling shutter
< 8 electrons rms noise global shutter
1.4 Volt full scale range
>62 dB dynamic range single read, global shutter
>70 dB dynamic range single read, rolling shutter
2 Bit Distributed A/D
Up to 22 Bit with dual gain sampling
Allows for all pixels to be sampled at high and low gain for extreme dynamic range in one exposure
Correlated Multi-Sampling(CMS) – for reduced noise
Dual exposure on alternate rows for HDR
12 bit LUT to control output and compress video
Rolling Shutter or Global shutter
High Dynamic Range Enhanced mode
Region Of Interest (ROI)
Binning within column- digital
Single, Dual, or Quad data rate
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