



  • 支持1或2个相机捕获图像

  • 相机视频制式:NTSC, RS-170, PAL 或CCIR

  • 250mb/s 数据通过PCI-E总线脉冲传输

  • 可插入任何PCI-E插槽中

  • 相机全分辨率下顺序捕获图片

  • 支持以触发方式进行连续图像采集

  • 为扩展数据采集提供64位的内存寻址

  • 捕获的图像不经压缩无损的储存在计算机内存

  • 可提供标准或薄型支架

  • 兼容Windows & Linux, 32 & 64–bit

  • 遵从欧盟ROHS认证标准

The PIXCI® SV7 digitizes analog video from one or two standard composite video cameras (NTSC, RS-170, PAL or CCIR). The two inputs are independent, allowing capture of different resolutions, frame rates, and video formats. Digitized video is transferred to the PCI Express bus at video rate. As a PCIe bus master, the PIXCI® SV7 board transfers image data without using the host computer's processor. Images may be transferred, at full or reduced frame rates, to computer memory for processing and/or analysis by the host computer's processor(s), or to other targets on the PCI Express bus.

ACQUISITION The PIXCI® SV7 has two BNC jacks for composite video input. Live video from both cameras may be displayed on the computer's monitor at the same time. Programmable gain, hue, brightness, saturation, and contrast adjustments can condition the video signal. SMA connectors provide TTL Trigger In and Strobe Out. Up to 4 PIXCI® SV7 boards, in one computer, can capture at the same time from up to 8 video sources.

The XCAP-Lite imaging program, provided at no charge with the PIXCI® SV7, provides independent Capture & Adjust Dialogs for each of the two inputs. If the two video sources (cameras) use the same format, and if their video outputs are to be captured with the same settings, then one Capture & Adjust Dialog provides common control. Choose the XCAP-Ltd program for extra display features, extended sequence capture to up to 8 GB of memory, and convenient saving of captured sequences to the hard drive. Choose XCAP-Std for maximum capture, display, and save capabilities (including direct video-to-disk capture) combined with extensive processing, measurement, and analysis features. Programmer's libraries (XCLIB) and image processing subroutines (PXIPL) are available for solving the most difficult particle tracking, machine vision measurement, inspection, image sequence analysis, and flow analysis tasks. Third party software is also available.

EPIX, Inc. assembles complete imaging systems with cameras, frame grabbers, high-performance PCI Express motherboards, and RAID arrays for video-to-disk capture. EPIX® imaging systems, custom-built to your specifications, feature performance tested motherboards and processors. Contact EPIX, Inc., or an authorized EPIX, Inc. distributor for help selecting cameras, frame grabbers, imaging software, optics and computer systems.