工业相机 BaumerTXG03 千兆网口相机
Baumer 是真正的工业相机制造商,始建于德国,现有2000多名员工,34个办事处,遍布世界各地,作为工业相机制造商的领导者,现有Firewire(IEEE 1394)以及Gigabit Ethernet(GigE)接口,分辨率覆盖30万像素至500万像素,造型小巧、精致,低功耗,高帧率,高清晰度,是1394接口和千兆以太网接口的高速数字图像采集的首选产品。
公司携手与德国Baumer公司合作 代理其一流工业相机 真正的工业相机
Baumer 是真正的工业相机制造商,始建于德国,现有2000多名员工,34个办事处,遍布世界各地,作为工业相机制造商的领导者,现有Firewire(IEEE 1394)以及Gigabit Ethernet(GigE)接口,分辨率覆盖30万像素至500万像素,造型小巧、精致,低功耗,高帧率,高清晰度,是1394接口和千兆以太网接口的高速数字图像采集的首选产品。
工业相机 BaumerTXG03 千兆网口相机
Digital Color
Progressive Scan Camera
Baumer TXG03c
** Gigabit Ethernet progressive scan CCD camera
** 640 x 480 pixel
** Up to 90 full frames per second
**GigE VisionTM standard compliant
** On board integrated color processor for high quality
color calculation
** Outstanding image quality
**High sensitivity and dynamic range
** High quality slow scan mode for lowest readout noise
** True partial scan function (ROI) for increased frame rates
** External synchronization via industrial compliant process
interface (trigger / flash)
** Supported jumbo frames
**Integrated 32 MByte RAM for temporarily image data
** Camera parameter programmable in real-time
**Ultra compact and lightweight aluminum housing
**Standard RJ45 connector
** Screw-lock type industrial connector
** Baumer-GAPI: Flexible, generic software interface for
Windows / Linux
Digital Monochrome (b/w)
Progressive Scan Camera
Baumer TXG03
Revision 2
**Gigabit Ethernet progressive scan CCD camera
** 656 x 494 pixel
** Up to 90 full frames per second
**GigE VisionTM standard compliant
** Outstanding image quality
** High sensitivity and dynamic range
** High quality slow scan mode for lowest readout noise
** Binning and true partial scan function (ROI) for increased
frame rates
** External synchronization via industrial compliant process
interface (trigger / flash)
** integrated supplementary function for flexible integration
** Sequence function up to 231
-1 frames per sequence
** Supported jumbo frames
** Integrated 32 MByte RAM for temporarily image data
** Camera parameter programmable in real-time
** Ultra compact and lightweight aluminum housing
** Standard RJ45 connector
** Screw-lock type industrial connector
** Baumer-GAPI: Flexible, generic software interface for
Windows / Linux
地 址: 上海市浦东新区金皖路389号金门广场516室 201206
电 话: +86-21- 50313863,58348328, 50313413, 50313827,
传 真: +86-21-50313640, 50313435
邮 件: ose@osesemi.com Sales@osesemi.com
Technical Support: support@osesemi.com