- 08/27
- 2024

- 报告来源:中国机器视觉网
时间:2024/08/27 - Report source: China visual network
Time: 2024/08/27
Contact phone: 010-62650570-806
Contact person: Miss Xu
2024 China machine vision market research report
Market Research Report Introduction
In August 2024, the CMVU officially released the 2024 "China Machine Vision Market Report"!
The China Machine Vision Market Report is an authoritative industry trend analysis derived from extensive practical research conducted by the Machine Vision Industry Alliance on domestic machine vision companies, which can effectively help companies understand the true status of the domestic machine vision industry, gain insight into future industry trends, understand new technology hotspots, and create new development spaces, thereby truly helping companies grow and promoting industry prosperity.
This report conducted research and statistics on the relevant business data of nearly 200 companies in the Chinese machine vision market in 2023, and provided a detailed analysis of the current market demand, driving factors, and future trends of the Chinese machine vision industry.
The 2024 China Machine Vision Market Report analyzes the widespread application and trends of machine vision technology in key industries, including electronics, automotive, lithium-ion, printing, food, tobacco, pharmaceuticals, glass products, security, postal services, railways, etc. Based on detailed data support, it deeply explores how machine vision technology can play a core role in these industries, promote industrial upgrading and efficiency innovation.
Tips:积极参与并正确填写联盟市场调查问卷的企业可以免费获得报告!欲了解更多详情,请致电010-62650570-806 (徐小姐)
Tips: active participation and correctly fill out the Union market questionnaire companies can get this report for free! For more information, please call 010-62650570-806 (Ms. Xu).
摘 要
第一章 行业发展现状与趋势 4
1.1 定义与应用 4
1.2 国内外发展情况 7
1.3 行业规模 10
1.4 技术研发 17
第二章 市场特征 23
2.1 业务结构 23
2.2 产品市场 24
2.3 终端市场 29
2.4 地区市场 37
2.5 需求驱动因素 40
2.6 竞争格局 44