任何一个全新未知尺寸的物体,从发现它到给它清晰聚焦,基本上需要2秒-5秒之间(个别高度差非常大可能稍微不同,只针对机械式自动聚焦,液态式自动聚焦只会更快 );
Game Changer IPRAS ( Intelligent Passive Random Autofocus System 智能无序被动自动机聚焦系统 ) Optical 35mm 1.2" 25Megapixel Macro Lenses Preset MOD 80mm Remote Control Auto Focus Motorized Focus FA Machine Vision Camera Optical Lens C Mount Factory Automation Computer Vision 3D AI Deep Learning China Optics 游戏改变者IPRAS 智能无序被动自动聚焦系统微距电控FA机器视觉镜头
Application : Various size Automotive object inspection, Medical production line, high request dust-free environment, secret-related production line that limit manual focus on site 适用于汽车配件多品种多尺寸产品检测、医疗保健、疫苗医药产线、高度无尘环境、涉密产品产线等无需繁琐现场人工调焦聚焦的环境。
Advantages 优势 :
1) Remote Control - by RJ45 & 485 Protocol 远程控制485协议
2)Macro - Lens short M.O.D 80mm 微距镜头最近80mm毫米
3)IPRAS - Intelligent Passive Random Autofocus System algorithm can drive the lens remote autofocus without on-site performance 首屈一指的优势:智能无序被动自动聚焦系统实现远程在线识别问题被动或主动聚焦
4)Speed - Accurated mode within 7second, speed mode with 2second 精确模式7秒内完成高精度自动聚焦产线调试转换;高速模式2秒内完成自动聚焦调试转换
5) Option - Auto-run of preset motorized focus 255 position preset for call back to focus within 0.1s 255个预置位功能,最快0.1秒快速返回聚焦点的电动聚焦轮巡模式的自动聚焦。
Download Datasheet 下载 : S12AF-RC3524-25M ( Leadtime 3-5days )
* Demo Video: BROWSE (IPRAS Random Autofocus System Matching Robotic Amrs making Everything possibility at automation inspection 当无序自动聚焦和机械臂结合迸发出无限可能 )
* Demo Video: BROWSE (Speed mode of flange DOF 快速模式下法兰景深自动聚焦)
* Youtube Video:
1) https://youtube.com/shorts/FZ_dyjDAcjM?si=okzPgO1uDaxncJ6A ( Random Autofocus Lens matching Robotic arms 机械臂搭配无序自动聚焦镜头 )
2) https://youtu.be/XwyP5cH4F6Y ( Autofocus of flange DOF 法兰景深 )