我们致力于为我们的客户提供高科技的光电技术、产品和解决方案。我们是Corning Varioptic液体透镜在国内的代理商。同时也是Salvo中国地区独家代理,为国内客户提供线性渐变滤光片、微型图案滤光片、PixelSensor、PCR传感器、和PixelCam等产品。我们还销售SILIOS Technologies的订制多光谱滤光片、多光谱图像传感器、和多光谱照相机。另外,我们为激光加工、增材制造、无损检测、声场测试等行业提供由XARION专利技术制造的光学麦克风及超声波探测解决方案。
We focus on providing high-tech opto-electronic products and solutions to our customers in China. We are the major distributor of Corning? Varioptic? Lenses from Corning Technology Center - Lyon, as well as the sole distributor of Salvo for linear varaible filters, micro-patterned filters, PixelSensor, PCR Sensors and PixelCam. We also distribute custom multi-spectral filters, multi-spectral sensors, and multi-spectral cameras from SILIOS Technologies. For laser process, additive manufacturing, non-destructive testing, and ultrasound field measurement we provide optical microphone and ultrasound detecting solutions which are based on patent technology from XARION.
电话:+86 13825278447
电话:+86 755-82553339